Thursday, October 2, 2008

You know it's time to call Jenny Craig when ...

Thursday, October 2, 2008
.... someone asks you if you're pregnant.  Kinda like yesterday when a woman from scouts asked me if I was pregnant again.  So I put on about 5 lbs since Jonah stopped nursing; I'm still 45 lbs less than when I delivered him a year ago.  

I'm thinking about getting my Medela pump out of storage just to burn a few extra calories.  Let's be honest, I've never been one for that old diet and exercise routine anyway.


Brit H. said...

Me either! I am not a diet and exercise girl either. I wish that I was! Plus, I hang on to about 10lbs until I stop nursing. It is like the reverse effect. Hanging on to the fat. Nice. Like 9 months wasn't long enough.

Angela said...

Deb...she must have been asking for a reason other than the way you look, cause let's face it...YOUR SKINNY! Silly story.

Amanda and Steve said...

I found your blog through Jessica's. Now Steve and I can stalk you, too! :-)

Zobrist Family said...

Yeah Right! You do not look pregnant! Just look at me right now...that's pregnant. Tell that lady to kiss it!

Jen said...

well, well, look who it is. How the heck are you? Found you on Swens's blog. Send me your email via my email and I'll add you to our blog. Your family is beautiful!

Hope you are well!

Jen (Martineau) Stagg

Matt said...

I hate it when people ask when I am due! Love your guys Blog!

Melanie said...

oh my gosh! Who does that? I'm sure you look great!

I bet I'll gain weight when I stop nursing too. Nursing is the best weight loss diet ever.

PS-- I am just catching up on your blog entries! I forgot to add it to google reader so I assumed you just were not posting all this time.