Sunday, February 15, 2009


Sunday, February 15, 2009
Does anyone else out there with young children feel like they haven't actually heard a church message since they first started having kids despite attending every meeting every Sunday faithfully?  

I went to church with only Jason a couple of Sundays ago (the others were sick), and it was like I was attending an entirely different church.  I actually walked away thinking, "Oh yeah, that light and uplifting feeling is how I used to feel every Sunday when leaving church.  That feeling is the reason most people go to church."  It was nice.

These days, all I am feeling by the end of church (which, by the way, goes from 10:20 to 1:20 and ends with Sacrament Meeting -- are you serious?) is, "Oh my gosh, get me out of here before I kill one of my children!!!"  See, now that can't be the feeling God intended for me to have by attending church.

I sure hope God is giving out points for sheer obedience because that's about all I'm capable of at this point.


Angela said...

Funny. That is EXACTLY what I was thinking last night.

The Mathews Family said...

I hear ya! I can't believe your crazy schedule. Not only does your block cover naptime... you have sacrament last? Yuck. We finally figured something out a few months ago that works for our girls and knock on wood... sacrament meeting is actually a great experience. But, it took lots of trial and error to figure out what exactly worked for us. Good luck!

Herlean Family said...

I'm with you on the wanting to kill your kids by the end. It's hard. I feel like we are a circus in the middle of sacrament meeting. Hopefully, one day, the lord realizes our efforts and we are blessed for it. thank heavens for the nursery.

Adam & Ashley said...

I totally feel that way right now. Ana is extremely loud and very active so church is spent in the hallways.