Sunday, September 28, 2008

Star Artist

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Every year the Natural History Museum of Santa Barbara puts on an "Art Walk" showcasing all the local artist as a fundraiser. The museum sets aside a certain section of the show for children's art. Apparently, it's a pretty big deal.

Of course, when Jason came home from school last year and mentioned that his art teacher was going to put his art in a little show, we assumed this was for everyone at his school. That was in May, and we hadn't heard anything again until he brought home a V.I.P. pass to the Art Walk. So off we went to the Natural History Museum with our special pass in hand fully expecting an extensive display of art from the art classes at Roosevelt Elementary School.

Um ... we were wrong.

It turns out that each school in the city only gets to submit 10 pieces of art to represent their school at the Art Walk. Kind of AWESOME that Jason was picked. There was his still life, all mounted and labeled, amongst the other "Star Artists" showing at the museum.

Like I said before, it was a pretty big deal.


The Ross Family said...

DEB!!! I am so glad you found my blog! It is so funny because last night we were driving up to my parents house and when we drove by your neighborhood I was thinking I needed to try and track you down :) You look great! I am so glad you started a blog so we can keep in touch! Let me know next time you come to visit. I would love to see you!

Paul and Deborah Speed said...

Yay, Jen! I will definitely let you know when we're in Utah next. I'm not sure when that will be (maybe Christmas)? Anyway, I'm glad we can keep in touch now.

The Mathews Family said...

So did he know that it was such a big deal and he just kept it under the wraps? Way to go Jason! That's quite the achievement.

Gina Speed said...

Great JOB jason!! I love your artwork - it looks beautiful. especially those roses. Congratulations on your art walk. you rule.
Love you.